Jan Nagle is a nationally exhibited multi-disciplinary artist who works primarily in photography, film/video, and installation. Originally from Sleepy Hollow, NY, she earned a BFA in photography at The State University of New York at New Paltz, and an MFA at The State University of New York at Buffalo. Nagle currently teaches at SUNY New Paltz and Dutchess Community College.
Artist Statment
My work is about place, and how it informs identity. My practice is takes many forms, with a vocabulary that includes, but is never limited to, photography, film/video, performance, installation, and collage. Still, time-based, analog and digital technologies all hold equal sway in my art practice, and influence its meaning. As an emerging artist and art educator at the turn of the twenty-first century, I have come of age at the analog-digital crux, with one foot firmly in each camp. Through a toggling of new and old technologies, I attempt to contextualize my personal experiences within the technological flux of imaging, and find a home there.